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Heatless Type Air Dryer

Heatless Type Air Dryers

Rs 2,50,000 / Piece

Heatless Type Air Dryers
  • Automatic Grade: Automatic
  • Brand: Sam
  • Maximum Pressure: 5 to 40 Kgf / cm2 g
  • Dryer Horse Power: 5 HP
  • Drying Capacity: 21 - 50 cfm
  • Minimum Output Dew Point: -40 C
  • Automatic Grade: Automatic
  • Brand: Sam
  • Maximum Pressure: 5 to 40 Kgf / cm2 g
  • Dryer Horse Power: 5 HP
  • Drying Capacity: 21 - 50 cfm
  • Minimum Output Dew Point: -40 C
  • Dryer Type: Regenerative Desiccant Dryer
A heatless compressed air dryer is the simplest form of gas or air dryer for achieving a dew point of -40oC or better for compressed air systems and other gas and air dryer applications.

Process: Wet incoming compressed air after passing through pre-filter passes through the slide piston valve assembly and is directed towards absorber chamber I where the compressed air passes upward through the desiccant ( activated alumina / molecular sieves ). Compressed air drying takes place by adsorption. Dry compressed air from absorber chamber I then pass through the check valve assembly and then through the after- filter to the application or work area. while compressed air is drying in the chamber the desiccant in the chamber where the desiccant has been wetted in the previous cycle is being simultaneously regenerated. The chamber is depressurized to atmosphere through the purge valve in the downward direction. A portion of the dry compressed air passes through the needle valve/orifice plate through the desiccant and flushes out the desorbed moisture. when the regeneration is complete, the purge valve is closed and the tower is slowly repressurized to line pressure for a smooth changeover. A drying period of 5 minutes provides an efficient dew point of -40oC or better (at atmospheric pressure ). In the regeneration process, approximately 30 seconds are required for repressurization.
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Sam Gas Projects Private Limited